Monday 14 March 2011

Who is the targeted audience?

The targeted audience for my magazine will be teenagers, this is because most Grime fans are teenagers and it could also be for artists that want to break in to the grime scene. There is a two page spread in my magazine In which I conduct and interview with Icon who is an artist that has Broken on to the Grime scene so this could be helpful and inspiring for to the artists. I have made my magazine available too the younger kids as well because i have chosen not to use foul language or content that is not suitable for kids. Hip-Hop magazines are the complete opposite as they have bad content but they choose not to target younger kids because there magazines are mainly for the older generation, so as I want my magazine to be read by most Grime fans (teenagers) I have to be cautious about what goes in to my magazine. It will mainly be targeted at males who listen to Grime because their are not that many female grime fans but I have chosen to widen the audience in terms of race because before Hip-Hop used to be regarded as Black music but it has evolved around the world for many races and I feel the same has Happened to Grime.

1 comment:

  1. Good, this is looking much healthier. Can you apply any theory to your work?
    Think Audience theory - define your TA more specifically.
    How have you represented you TA?
    What representation of your TA have you created?
