Tuesday 15 March 2011

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When I first did my preliminary task I found it very difficult to use Indesign and Photoshop because they are very advanced software’s compared to the likes of word and PowerPoint. I had a lot of help in the first magazine which allowed me to gain knowledge and experience of the software. The preliminary task took a while to complete as I still had to get the hang of a few things but when they came I found it a lot easier to use the software’s.

When I started my second task I was much more confident in using the software’s so I found it a lot easier to do some of the things I wanted like cropping images and experimenting with the title. My second task did take a bit longer to make as I had to produce a two page spread as well as the contents and front cover whereas the first task just needed and front cover and contents page. I also took longer because this is the main task for my coursework and I wanted to make it look as good as possible.

I used Indesign for most of my work because I only needed Photoshop to crop my images and to experiment with my title. Making you title in Photoshop Is a lot better than Indesign because you have a choice of more fonts, styles and colours so all I had to do was make it and then import it in to Indesign.

Looking back at my preliminary task I think I have improved a lot and have shown that with the work I have produced.

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