Thursday 10 March 2011

research contents page

When I conducted my Research for my contents page I chose to use Vibe magazine as my source, I did this because I also used Vibe for my front cover so I wanted to make my Contents page look like it was from the same magazine. As you can see in both of these magazines they choose to use a single image rather than three or four images, I felt it made it stand out more as you focus mainly on the one image and can target your audience a lot easier. The contents page with Ciara is attracting male audience as they make her look sexy whereas the other one show him with a lot of jewellery gold teeth and tattoos which make him look hard and shows us that it is a Hip- Hop magazine. These magazines choose to use a little text, so I decided to do the same as I feel that if there was a lot of text people would get bored and not read all of it as they just want to skim through the contents page to see what is inside the magazine. The contents page was one of the easiest parts of my production as you do not have to spend as much time as the Front cover so it did not take me that long to complete my Contents page. After a week of production my Contents page was complete.

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