Monday 7 March 2011

Front cover

As you can see this front cover looks very similar to Eminem’s Vibe magazine this is because I chose to use this as my guideline and to follow the colour scheme and layout used. I used my own text and a mid shot image which is of one of my friends who Is in the Grime scene at the moment so I chose to use him in the front cover.

Also the names of the artists that I put on the front cover are well known in the industry so I felt that it will publicise my magazine more. I chose to make my friend fold his arms like Eminem but with a jacket on as I could not find anyone with tattoos on their arm. I still feel that it will be known as a grime magazine mainly because of the title which brings me on to my next point. I experimented with my title a lot in the production process and at first it look like my magazine was going to be called GRIME TIME but on in the latter stages of my production I decided against because I wanted my title to be very big and stand out, putting two words in it would make it small but I had a dilemma because GRIME TIME rhymes and sounds better while Grime on its own Is very plain. I chose to do GRIME on its own as I felt I would still get the message across and the title itself signifies the genre of the magazine.

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