Monday 14 March 2011

In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When I was conducting my research I found out that there were no Grime magazines in the market at the moment so I had to use my initiative and look at Hip-Hop magazines as it is a similar genre to Grime and is well established in the market.

In my Research I found out that the Hip-Hop magazines followed certain codes and conventions, the main one being the colour Red used in most of the magazines i looked at. The magazines usually choose to use 3 colours but some choose to add in extra colours for other affects. The colours that I chose to use in my magazine were Black, Red and Grey as i used Eminem's vibe as a guideline and those are the colours which were used.

I also decided to use a mid shot image with my guy making eye contact with the audience which is something that most Hip-Hop magazines do to make their characters look hard.

A perfect example for these codes and conventions would be this 50 Cent magazine, as you can see they use the three main colours but choose to add Green in. They also use a mid shot image with 50 cent making eye contact with the audience and the mise en scene which makes him look hard because of the tattoos and the chain.

On the number 0 you can see that there is a gun aiming symbol which signifies the Hip-Hop genre as most artist usually talk about the gangster life and the guns.

I decided to challenge this because I will targeting younger kids as well i do not want to put anything in it that could influence them like the Hypodermic syringe theory suggest that people consume the information without second thoughts and could go out and do some of the actions themselves, younger kids are more likely to believe in what they see without second thoughts so I decided against using any bad language or anything that could encourage and influence the younger generation.

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