Tuesday 15 March 2011

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel I have learned a lot about the software’s as well as certain things about music magazines. For example I now understand why certain codes and conventions are used in music magazines and how they affect the audience. If a Hip Hop magazine has a picture of a rock star on their front cover it will confuse the audience and put them off from buying the product. The colours are also very important because if the targeted audience is males you will not want to put pink in your magazine as it is a colour that is associated with females.

In my preliminary task I did not know the importance of targeted my audience as I just wanted to make a school magazine based on football with no knowledge or experience. When I look back it now I can see a lot of mistakes that I made for example in my main image I was wearing school shoes for a football magazine which clearly Is not part of the mise en scene. I never conducted a lot of research in the first task and therefore based my magazine on my own knowledge which was clearly a mistake as I did not have a clue about magazines.

Before I started work on my new magazine I made sure I did enough research so that i had the knowledge and therefore wouldn’t get stuck during the production. The software’s are a lot easier to use now and I am more confident of doing it without any help.

Overall I feel I have learned a lot and this experience will hopefully help me in the future.

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