Thursday 24 March 2011

My powerpoint Presentation

New improved final products


Last week I did a presentation of my final products to my peers and I gained some feedback on how to improve my work which I found very helpful. For my contents page I was told that I should include page numbers for each feature as most contents pages contain them. Here is my new improved contents page. Another thing that I was told to do was to add another picture as my magazine had to contain 4 images and mine only contained three. I worked on this and here is my new imporved Double page spread. In my next post I will show you my new and improves final products

Tuesday 15 March 2011

How does my music magazine represent particular social groups ?

My Music magazine represents Grime which is a genre that is not appreciated as much as others, I think this is because a lot of Grime artist talk about the streets and guns, things which are not suitable for the younger kids. Recently more young Grime artists talk about their struggles on and off the street and some choose to not talk about the streets at all.  My magazine represents teenagers that are trying to come off the streets and change the ways in which they live. My magazine contains artist such as Melodi who does not talk about the streets in his music more about his ambitions and goals. I want more people to see how the living on the streets Is not the best way to live because you will either end up in jail or dead.

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel I have learned a lot about the software’s as well as certain things about music magazines. For example I now understand why certain codes and conventions are used in music magazines and how they affect the audience. If a Hip Hop magazine has a picture of a rock star on their front cover it will confuse the audience and put them off from buying the product. The colours are also very important because if the targeted audience is males you will not want to put pink in your magazine as it is a colour that is associated with females.

In my preliminary task I did not know the importance of targeted my audience as I just wanted to make a school magazine based on football with no knowledge or experience. When I look back it now I can see a lot of mistakes that I made for example in my main image I was wearing school shoes for a football magazine which clearly Is not part of the mise en scene. I never conducted a lot of research in the first task and therefore based my magazine on my own knowledge which was clearly a mistake as I did not have a clue about magazines.

Before I started work on my new magazine I made sure I did enough research so that i had the knowledge and therefore wouldn’t get stuck during the production. The software’s are a lot easier to use now and I am more confident of doing it without any help.

Overall I feel I have learned a lot and this experience will hopefully help me in the future.

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When I first did my preliminary task I found it very difficult to use Indesign and Photoshop because they are very advanced software’s compared to the likes of word and PowerPoint. I had a lot of help in the first magazine which allowed me to gain knowledge and experience of the software. The preliminary task took a while to complete as I still had to get the hang of a few things but when they came I found it a lot easier to use the software’s.

When I started my second task I was much more confident in using the software’s so I found it a lot easier to do some of the things I wanted like cropping images and experimenting with the title. My second task did take a bit longer to make as I had to produce a two page spread as well as the contents and front cover whereas the first task just needed and front cover and contents page. I also took longer because this is the main task for my coursework and I wanted to make it look as good as possible.

I used Indesign for most of my work because I only needed Photoshop to crop my images and to experiment with my title. Making you title in Photoshop Is a lot better than Indesign because you have a choice of more fonts, styles and colours so all I had to do was make it and then import it in to Indesign.

Looking back at my preliminary task I think I have improved a lot and have shown that with the work I have produced.

How did I attract my audience?

I attracted my audience in different types of ways

Firstly I chose to follow a colour scheme which is something that most music magazines do and the audience will realise this. I used the colour red which is very colourful so it will catch the eye of the audience.

Secondly I chose to use a vibe magazine as my guideline so I chose to follow the colours and layout of the magazine. This will enable people that read vibe magazine to notice that and they would want to know more about the magazine.

Thirdly I chose to use names of artists that are well known for example Giggs who is very big in the Grime scene at the moment. My mid shot image Is a picture of Deviate who has many fans and is known so when people see the picture they want to look more in to the magazine.

Lastly I chose to add free mixtape inside because I feel this will make more people buy my magazine as they feel they are getting something free with it. I also chose to use bright colours because my magazine is also for younger kids and they will look more at the pictures and colours rather than the text as they might find it boring.

Monday 14 March 2011

Who is the targeted audience?

The targeted audience for my magazine will be teenagers, this is because most Grime fans are teenagers and it could also be for artists that want to break in to the grime scene. There is a two page spread in my magazine In which I conduct and interview with Icon who is an artist that has Broken on to the Grime scene so this could be helpful and inspiring for to the artists. I have made my magazine available too the younger kids as well because i have chosen not to use foul language or content that is not suitable for kids. Hip-Hop magazines are the complete opposite as they have bad content but they choose not to target younger kids because there magazines are mainly for the older generation, so as I want my magazine to be read by most Grime fans (teenagers) I have to be cautious about what goes in to my magazine. It will mainly be targeted at males who listen to Grime because their are not that many female grime fans but I have chosen to widen the audience in terms of race because before Hip-Hop used to be regarded as Black music but it has evolved around the world for many races and I feel the same has Happened to Grime.

What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?

I think a low budget Media institution might choose to distribute my magazine because at the moment Grime is not a genre that is appreciated by the public as well as others. There are no Grime magazines in the market at the moment so the Big name Magazines are not likely to want to distribute something that hasn't evolved yet and they do not want to take massive risks whereas the new low budget institutions can afford to take risks and they might choose to distribute my product because at the moment the Grime industry is soaring and they will see this as there chance to make money and getting their magazine established. A magazine that focuses more on teenagers would be interested because most Grime fans are teenagers so they would know that their product would get advertised a lot more for example teenagers tend to share things with their friends more.

In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When I was conducting my research I found out that there were no Grime magazines in the market at the moment so I had to use my initiative and look at Hip-Hop magazines as it is a similar genre to Grime and is well established in the market.

In my Research I found out that the Hip-Hop magazines followed certain codes and conventions, the main one being the colour Red used in most of the magazines i looked at. The magazines usually choose to use 3 colours but some choose to add in extra colours for other affects. The colours that I chose to use in my magazine were Black, Red and Grey as i used Eminem's vibe as a guideline and those are the colours which were used.

I also decided to use a mid shot image with my guy making eye contact with the audience which is something that most Hip-Hop magazines do to make their characters look hard.

A perfect example for these codes and conventions would be this 50 Cent magazine, as you can see they use the three main colours but choose to add Green in. They also use a mid shot image with 50 cent making eye contact with the audience and the mise en scene which makes him look hard because of the tattoos and the chain.

On the number 0 you can see that there is a gun aiming symbol which signifies the Hip-Hop genre as most artist usually talk about the gangster life and the guns.

I decided to challenge this because I will targeting younger kids as well i do not want to put anything in it that could influence them like the Hypodermic syringe theory suggest that people consume the information without second thoughts and could go out and do some of the actions themselves, younger kids are more likely to believe in what they see without second thoughts so I decided against using any bad language or anything that could encourage and influence the younger generation.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Improvements Contents page

Improvements Front cover

double page spread Enlarged

double page spread

The double page spread for my music magazine was the hardest part of my production as it need a lot work put in to it because I had to conduct the interview take images and work on the production of the double page spread. I chose my main colour to be red because red was also the main colour on my Front cover and contents so I wanted to make the magazine look authentic because red Is a colour that Is used in most music magazines. I did an introduction so that people could get to know a little bit about Icon before they read the interview. I used a mid shot image in it and the mise en scene Is very effective like the clothes he Is wearing which Is a baseball cap and other things which adds to the authenticity of the genre. The questions I asked him were questions that I found in most Hip hop magazines so I decided to follow the guidelines with well known magazines like Vibe. As you can see the Double page spread looks like it is from the same Magazine which makes my whole magazine Authentic. One of the questions that I asked him was who did he want to collaborate with, I chose to ass this question in because it is a question that most artists are asked.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Contents page

This is the contents page for my music magazine, i chose to make mine very simple and with little text because I feel that people just choose to skim past contents pages to see what is in the magazine or what page number a certain feature Is. The audience would get bored if there was a lot of text in the contents page so I decided to use little text, as you can see the colours for my contents page match the colours of my front cover that Is because you have to make the contents page look like it Is for the same magazine, the audience would be confused if they saw a front cover and contents page with different colours. While i was working on the production of my magazine a lot of people were telling me to add more pictures but I decided to use one mid shit image to signify my genre as the picture Is one of a grime artist that the audience will know about so they know that the whole magazine will be about grime if its only 
                                                                  got one picture of a grime artist.

research contents page

When I conducted my Research for my contents page I chose to use Vibe magazine as my source, I did this because I also used Vibe for my front cover so I wanted to make my Contents page look like it was from the same magazine. As you can see in both of these magazines they choose to use a single image rather than three or four images, I felt it made it stand out more as you focus mainly on the one image and can target your audience a lot easier. The contents page with Ciara is attracting male audience as they make her look sexy whereas the other one show him with a lot of jewellery gold teeth and tattoos which make him look hard and shows us that it is a Hip- Hop magazine. These magazines choose to use a little text, so I decided to do the same as I feel that if there was a lot of text people would get bored and not read all of it as they just want to skim through the contents page to see what is inside the magazine. The contents page was one of the easiest parts of my production as you do not have to spend as much time as the Front cover so it did not take me that long to complete my Contents page. After a week of production my Contents page was complete.

Monday 7 March 2011

Front cover

As you can see this front cover looks very similar to Eminem’s Vibe magazine this is because I chose to use this as my guideline and to follow the colour scheme and layout used. I used my own text and a mid shot image which is of one of my friends who Is in the Grime scene at the moment so I chose to use him in the front cover.

Also the names of the artists that I put on the front cover are well known in the industry so I felt that it will publicise my magazine more. I chose to make my friend fold his arms like Eminem but with a jacket on as I could not find anyone with tattoos on their arm. I still feel that it will be known as a grime magazine mainly because of the title which brings me on to my next point. I experimented with my title a lot in the production process and at first it look like my magazine was going to be called GRIME TIME but on in the latter stages of my production I decided against because I wanted my title to be very big and stand out, putting two words in it would make it small but I had a dilemma because GRIME TIME rhymes and sounds better while Grime on its own Is very plain. I chose to do GRIME on its own as I felt I would still get the message across and the title itself signifies the genre of the magazine.


After conducting all of my research i decided to use Eminem's Vibe magazine as my guide line to help me with the production of my front cover. I chose this magazine because i feel it is quite simple and also Vibe is a well known magazine.

I began on the production of my front cover a couple of days after conducting my research and i found it quite easy as i was using this magazine as my guideline.

a week later i had completed my front cover and this is how it looked.


As you can see from this vibe magazine they have made Ciara look very sexy which would attract male audience. It also has the colour red in its front cover with black white and grey. This shows that I was right about music magazines following a certain colour scheme and so far we’ve seen that red white and black is the one most followed. In this magazine they are making Ciara naked which will definitely attract male audience as well as some female audiences.


  You can straight away see that this 50 Cent magazine Is different as it is trying to mostly attract a male audience. You can see this from 50 cents posture and how they are making look hard with his chain, tattoos and he is also making eye contact with the audience in an aggressive kind of way showing us that it is mainly for male Hip- Hop fans. This magazine also used red white and black but chose to add green in to their front cover.


As you can see from these magazine covers Red was an important colour that was used in Most Hip-Hop magazines, Black and White were also colours that were used a lot but Red  Was the colour that I found in most of the magazines I researched.  

The magazines choose to use big name Rappers in thier front cover like T.I and Nas. this will attract more attention as they are well established Rappers and have big fan bases around the world.

Friday 4 March 2011


In my research I found out that most of the hip hop magazines follow a colour scheme of red black and white. Some choose too add a few other colours like green and brown.
I also found out that most of them used a mid shot image with the person making eye contact with the audience, some of them attract different genders as if it’s a female they make her look sexy which would attract the male audience.
The mise en scene plays an important role in the magazine for example what the person is wearing basically signifies the target audience. as you can see Eminem is wearing a vest with his arms folded, his arms are covered in tatoos and he has a chain on his neck which makes him look hard so we know that it is a Hip-Hop magazine.

music magazine

As you know I have been working on a Grime magazine for the past Month and I have got on quite well, I am going to run you through the production process of my magazine and the first thing I am going to talk to you about is my research. As there are no Grime magazines in the market at the moment I found it hard to conduct my research so I decided to look at hip-hop magazines instead as they are quite the same.