Friday 18 November 2011


This graph conveys how many people took part in the questionnaire and what gender they were. The fact that my peers questionnaires were carried out by predominately males I thought I would ask more females so that are information could be even and we could hopefully focus on both genders.

This graph shows us what age groups answered the questionnaire and as you can see half the questionnaire was answered by people aged 11 to 15 as the movie is rated 15. This means that older people will also watch it hence the reason we asked older people as well. The reason we asked these people is because of the fact that we want to know what they like and what they want to see in a horror movie as they will be the main target audience.
This graph illustrates what colours the audience thought established the horror genre and as you can see from the answers, Black and Red were the two that the majority answered. This is because of the fact that Red symbolises blood and gore and that Black connotes a something dark and gloomy. This allowed us to know that we should use Red and black in our products as it relates to the horror genre.

This graph conveys to me what location the audience would like to see in our trailer and the majority chose the woods to be the best location.  This tells us that the audience will like to see the woods being the main location as it fits in with the horror genre. This will influence our decision because we now know what the audience want.
This question was based upon what Horror movie they thought was the best and the majority either answered Paranormal Activity, Saw and the omen. This allowed us to know what movies were liked so that we could research them more and see what codes and conventions were used.


  1. I am very impressed with your efforts Muadhh. I think your questionnaire highlights important points regarding gender, age and location. I think that you using this data to help you plan your trailer will be effective. Please ensure that you are explaining why using the woods location is appropriate because it is suitable for your genre. Please develop your responses further with explaining why you will make the choices you will have based on their feedback.
    Check the spelling of 'Questionnaire' please.
    Well done.

  2. This is looking good Muaadh - make sure you follow Miss S's advice.

  3. Hi Muaadh, please ensure that you make the changes suggested on the 23rd November.
    I also need you to complete the additional tasks which have been updated on the blog, ensure this is complete for Tuesday 13th January 2012.
