Wednesday 9 November 2011

I want to talk about paranormal activity 3 because it is the most recent horror movie out. This is a very simple poster but is still able to get the message across effectively and allows the audience to know what genre is being represented. The fact the colour is mainly black and white connotes a gloomy and dark atmosphere while the writing at the top stands out. The fact that it is right at the top while the title being near the bottom shows us the institution wanted this text to get the message across 'you are prepared to return to his old nightmares' connoting to the audience that something frightening will happen probably at night. The title is in red which suggest something to do with blood and gore and the main image in the centre shows a child looking quite scared while the picture has a camera time at the bottom suggesting that there is no escape you are being watched all the time. Another important factor about paranormal activity is the fact that this is the third one so they will already have their fans that know that it is a horror movie but they want to target a wider audience. The movie was also successful and gained good reviews which will enable more people to want to watch it.

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