Monday 10 January 2011

Who do you intend to be your Target Audience? Define them and give ideas as to how to attract them.

The target audience that I have chosen will be male 15 to 18 year old as the topic is grime and I feel it is inappropriate to younger children ands at 15 the children hear more about grime from friend’s internet etc. I think that my magazine will be for males because females don’t really listen to grime and can’t really relate to it whereas boys can talk about the roads and how they were brought up. I think I will attract them by putting in some nice images with baseball caps and good colour clothing (swagger) like for example if the person is wearing a red baseball hat I will make him wear a read jumper as well to make them match and make the magazine more colourful. I will also use informal slang words and phrases as the audience will not be interested in sophisticated language because it is a grime magazine and you wouldn’t expect that . I have to make the magazine look good as it is the first impression that makes someone want to read more.

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