Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation of my first task

The magazine that I did was a Kelsey park academy magazine based on the school academy. I thought I did quite well considering it was my first time studying media and using the software's. I had to present my work to the class talking about my codes and conventions, target audience, difficulties, research and targets for improvement. I thought that I covered the target audience and my research really well but the class told me in the feedback that I hadn't commented on codes and conventions and that my contents page was poor because I had   only put in a little text and 1 image and it looked really plain and dull. I totally agree with what the class told me and hopefully their feedback will enable me to do much better on my music magazine. when I was first given this task I thought I would not do well because it was my first time and I thought it would be really hard but when you put your mind to things you will be amazed at what you can achieve, even though I did get help from my colleagues a lot of the work was my own and at the beginning I did not think I would complete it but in the end I did so I was pleased with myself.

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