Monday 10 January 2011


The magazine that I have chosen to do is a grime magazine which is basically the UK version of hip hop. I have chosen to do this magazine as I feel I know a lot about grime because I have friends in the grime scene at the moment so if I need help on anything  I could just ask them also taking pictures will be a lot easier because I could go with them to their next photo shoot and take some pictures for my magazine. the two main grime websites that i looked at were grime daily and sbtv, I chose these two because they are probably the two biggest in the grime scene at the moment. I also liked the font that they both used and decided that I might use them in my magazine. I decided that on my front cover I will try to have a picture of either Melodi or icon both whom are in the grime scene at the moment and I speak to a lot so it wont be hard to get pictures for my front cover and I also will put more pictures on the side of upcoming UK artists. My contents page will also be a lot better than the first task as I know more about the codes and conventions and how to attract my audience whereas the first time I just wanted to get it finished.

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