Friday 21 January 2011

music magazine

I have now started The production of my Music magazine, At the moment I am working on the backgrond and the title which is taking some time becasue I am trying to download the correct font for my title. Hopefully it will be finished soon and I will be able to show you my progress. Thanks

Monday 10 January 2011


Right now I am doing my power point presentation to show the class tomorrow, I have to talk to them about the codes and conventions, my ideas and my target audience. I feel that this could help me a lot because they could give me feedback on whether they think my ideas will work and how to make my magazine better. my teacher will also be there, she can assist me and show me what to do hopefully will presentation will be good. thanks

Evaluation of my first task

The magazine that I did was a Kelsey park academy magazine based on the school academy. I thought I did quite well considering it was my first time studying media and using the software's. I had to present my work to the class talking about my codes and conventions, target audience, difficulties, research and targets for improvement. I thought that I covered the target audience and my research really well but the class told me in the feedback that I hadn't commented on codes and conventions and that my contents page was poor because I had   only put in a little text and 1 image and it looked really plain and dull. I totally agree with what the class told me and hopefully their feedback will enable me to do much better on my music magazine. when I was first given this task I thought I would not do well because it was my first time and I thought it would be really hard but when you put your mind to things you will be amazed at what you can achieve, even though I did get help from my colleagues a lot of the work was my own and at the beginning I did not think I would complete it but in the end I did so I was pleased with myself.


this is the first website that I looked at

I looked at this website because it is well established and is known all around the UK, also it is a very big producer in the grime scene at the moment. I also like the font and was thinking about using it in my music magazine.
                                                          this was the second website I looked at

sbtv is also a very established grime producer and I also like the font in this too


The magazine that I have chosen to do is a grime magazine which is basically the UK version of hip hop. I have chosen to do this magazine as I feel I know a lot about grime because I have friends in the grime scene at the moment so if I need help on anything  I could just ask them also taking pictures will be a lot easier because I could go with them to their next photo shoot and take some pictures for my magazine. the two main grime websites that i looked at were grime daily and sbtv, I chose these two because they are probably the two biggest in the grime scene at the moment. I also liked the font that they both used and decided that I might use them in my magazine. I decided that on my front cover I will try to have a picture of either Melodi or icon both whom are in the grime scene at the moment and I speak to a lot so it wont be hard to get pictures for my front cover and I also will put more pictures on the side of upcoming UK artists. My contents page will also be a lot better than the first task as I know more about the codes and conventions and how to attract my audience whereas the first time I just wanted to get it finished.

Who do you intend to be your Target Audience? Define them and give ideas as to how to attract them.

The target audience that I have chosen will be male 15 to 18 year old as the topic is grime and I feel it is inappropriate to younger children ands at 15 the children hear more about grime from friend’s internet etc. I think that my magazine will be for males because females don’t really listen to grime and can’t really relate to it whereas boys can talk about the roads and how they were brought up. I think I will attract them by putting in some nice images with baseball caps and good colour clothing (swagger) like for example if the person is wearing a red baseball hat I will make him wear a read jumper as well to make them match and make the magazine more colourful. I will also use informal slang words and phrases as the audience will not be interested in sophisticated language because it is a grime magazine and you wouldn’t expect that . I have to make the magazine look good as it is the first impression that makes someone want to read more.

How do the Music magazines signify their genre and attract their Target Audiences? Give evidence to support your answer.

Music magazines signify their genre and their target audience firstly by their main mid shot image which signify the audience and the genre firstly because of their person they use, if they use a black hip hop rapper then they will be aiming the magazine at the black origin that listen to hip hop. Also the clothes they are wearing shows the target audience for example if they are wearing baseball hats and hoodies it will show like a kind of gangster theme whereas if they are wearing skinny jeans and shirts it will be targeted at a different audience. Also the text matters because you wouldn’t expect graffiti writing on a hip hop magazine because then it would be for young kids and hip hop magazines are not for young kids. The colour scheme the magazine uses is also something for example if they used pink it shows that it is targeted mostly at females but some magazines with female pictures like Cheryl Cole could also be for men as they make her look sexy and make the men interested.
As you can see from this magazine it shows 50 dent who is a ganster rapper which straight away shows that it isnt for young kids.also the baseball cap and the long chain could aslo show a ganster type of look and the money shows that he is very rich. you would not expect a rock magazine to have baseball caps, long chains or money everywhere.

From your research what are the main codes and conventions of Music magazines: What evidence can you use to support this?

Most music magazines have the same codes and conventions like most of them will have a main mid shot image on the front cover which could be used to identify the target audience. music magazines will usually use three main colours for example the one that I researched was the Cheryl Cole Q magazine which had white black and red as its three main colours which makes the magazine look a lot better rather than just putting random colours in. Also the centre image usually goes on top of the title and  The main image in the centre usually makes the person look right in to the camera to make eye contact with the audience. some magazines prefer to do long shots so that the audeince could see the whole outfit or for a example a musical instrument. it was a rock magazine they might want to show a person playing a guitar or any other instrument which you might not be able to show with a mid-shot.
As you can see from this Q magazine they are using the three main colours scheme, the black red and white. they aslo make cheryl cole look sexy and look right at the audeince which attracts male attention.

Where will you research: magazines; codes and conventions; genre; target audience?

My main research tool will be the internet as it provides a lot of research and you could look at different magazines at the same time and see how they are different.  I will have to different types of grime magazines as well as artists so that I could look at the codes and conventions they use and how they attract their target audience whether it is for male or female, a certain age group or origin .
You can identify who the target audience is with the main centre image for example if it was a rock magazine you might have a white male playing the guitar with long hair and other things.

What information will you need to look for in your research?

In my research I will need to look for other music magazines so that I be able to get a few ideas  from them and I will try to look at the more established magazines so that I know the research will be good and could help me with my magazine. I will also have to look for grime artists that I could talk about e.g. Melodi who goes to my school so it will be easy to get information from him. I have to establish my target audience so that I could concentrate on one in particular, I will also need to look for the different codes and conventions used in music magazines and how they attract their target audience.

What are your first thoughts in response to this task (Music magazine)

My first thought when I was given this task was a mixture of good and bad because even though I no quite a bit about music and Grime I am still not confident in using indesign, I did however gain some skills and experience this magazine will require a lot more work that the first one so not being used to indesign will slow the process of creating my magazine. The subject of my magazine is going to be grime which is the biggest in the UK and I also know quite a bit about it as I have friends in the grime scene and it is what I listen to most.

Thursday 6 January 2011

music magazine

I have started planning and researching my music magazine and I will update my blog soon with all the research i have conducted