Monday 23 January 2012


Media project

Warren, Muaadh and Robert are called to the boss’s office; they look worried as they think they are going to get told off.

Robert: You wanted to see us?

Boss: yes, take a seat

(They sit down nervously knowing that something is wrong, they knew that familiar look on the bosses face).

Boss: I have noticed that you three have not been working as a team recently and it is really affecting the morale of the employees. I have decided to send you to Luxemburg for a camping trip to build up you team work skills.

(They look at each other in a very confused manner)

Muaadh: Luxemburg

Boss: Yes Luxemburg, there is activities happening there for 3 days next week, I want you to get ready your flight departs in two days.

Warren: Alright then sir, come on you two it will be fun

(The three employees leave the office and go home to get ready)

(They meet up on the day and catch the flight from Heathrow to Luxemburg; they decided to hire a car when they get there).

(Robert pays for a car and they drive to the location)

Warren: ay this is going to be live you know

Muaadh: trust me man this is going to be good

(Robert gets his bags out of the boot and they make their way to camping site).

(They meet up with a couple friends that they remember from their last exercise)

Allin: wow it’s been a long time man, how come you lot are here

Muaadh: how you been man, we’ve been sent by our boss

(Robert decides to take a walk on his own to see the camping site properly)

(After half an hour he is nowhere to be seen)

Liban: Were Robert He’s been gone for long

Muaadh: where is that guy man he just disappeared?

Warren: don’t worry he will be here man, you know Robert

(Robert is walking around the camping site but he feels as if he is being followed. Robert screams as he gets dragged from behind).

(Hamza starts running fast and then more weird things start to happen).

Allin: Oh my god, what is that?

Mahad: what?

(Mahad comes closer and they see a dead body just lying on the floor. The rest of the group see the look in their faces and noticing that something is wrong they all start to run).

Allin: (loud scream) with blood on his face.

(Daniel gets grabbed by the killer with bloody hands).

Muaadh: we need to look for Robert, it’s been ages

Warren: Alright then, well separate and you can take the torch

(Muaadh starts searching for Robert but he too feels as if he is being followed, he catches a glimpse of a person watching him and begins to run).

Muaadh: (loud scream) swinging on rope.

(Warren is also searching for Robert but he keeps hearing noises, there is no sight of Muaadh or the others, and warren the hardman looks worried).

(Something starts rustling in the bushes and warren decides that he needs to get out of here).

(He runs to the car but it seems wherever he goes there is no escape).

This is the first draft for our script and even though it is not the final piece we will use this as a guideline and improve on it during the project.

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