Tuesday 10 January 2012

BBC Trip

My teacher was very kind to organise a trip to the BBC for me and my fellow Media students, this was a brilliant opportunity to gain some insight in to the media world and what role the BBC play in influencing our society. The two people in the picture with me are my classmates and as we are all working on our coursework project together it was vital that we all attended and gained something from it so that we could implement certain things in our trailer.
I feel that I learned quite a lot from this trip as we were given a guided tour through the various studios and the guide spoke to us about why the BBC is different from other broadcasters like ITV because of it being funding through TV licence while ITV is commercially funded. This enables the BBC to only show the truth because they do not have to hide certain things that will damage a company’s reputation.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent reflection Muaadh! This is wonderful to see that you linked this to your current project. Keep up the hard work. Well done.
