Friday 22 October 2010

Who do you intend to target with your school magazine? Why?

My target audience would be 12 -16 year olds who play football or even watch it. I have chosen 12 to 16 year olds because that’s when they mainly start secondary school and my magazine is going to have a lot of features for younger children and a few older children up to 16. I think this age group would help me achieve want I want to put in my magazine because I can use graffiti writing and bigger fonts and images which would not attract older children more. I want to put my magazines around schools because of course that is where you would find the most children and in secondary schools like Kelsey most of the children enjoy football

What techniques are used to encourage teenage readers

The big pictures and texts like they could use bigger size writing or graffiti because it is what younger children like.
The graffiti writing would attract readers because they would see a nice front cover so the front cover has to be the best part of a magazine because it’s what readers look at before they start reading the magazine. The front cover would choose whether they buy or read the magazine.

What are the conventions of Magazine front covers: layout; text; images; graphics; colours; etc.

There are a lot of convention in magazines for instance the biggest one would be the main image on the front cover which could tell you the target audience of the magazine e.g. full house magazine has a picture of a white middle aged woman which could show us who the target audience is. The text also could be different with colours fonts and everything because if the text was pink you would expect a girlie magazine.

How did you have to adapt to complete your research? What else did you look at – Why?

have also looked at other magazines like match and four four two which are football magazines so it would help me to decide what to put in my magazine and they are also big established magazines so it will guide me through my progress.

What did you decide to do first? Why? Did it help

At first I decided to look at some of the schools magazines from previous students so that I could see how they coped and what they did. I then decided to go on to Google to further my research and look at other magazines. I saw that a lot of the magazines had a main target audience and also made their magazines look good with the images and text, fonts and other things. I picked out some of the things that all the magazines had in common like for instance what they used to try to make the reader interested. I looked at the magazines from previous students from my school because I knew that they had the exact same objective as us so I wanted to see what a couple of them did and what techniques they used. This helped because it made me pick out some of the main techniques that all of them used and try to see which ones I needed to use in my magazine.

hat reaction did you have to this task? What did you think about it?

At first I wasn’t so sure about designing a magazine front cover because I am not  so good with in design but when I got more in to it I saw that it  is possible and if I try hard and do the right research I can make my magazine a hard hitter.

Summarise what you have to do for the Preliminary exercise:

For my preliminary exercise I have to design the front cover and contents page of a magazine. The subject I am going to talk about is going to be sports mainly football. That means the target audience of my magazine will be people who are interested in sports and play football. I have chosen this subject because I feel that football is the main sport which younger people like here in the UK. Not only is it played but it is the biggest sport watched on television and in stadiums. The amount of money people would spend to watch a match or buy football kits are very high. I think that a football magazine would be read more by kids rather than a celebrity magazine or a TV magazine.
The age for my magazine will be 12 to 16 year olds

Thursday 7 October 2010


Hi there fans its me im back nice to see you all

Me and my peers have now nearly finshed our front cover we have worked separately but we are putting our designs togethere for the final piece


Friday 1 October 2010


ive just started my fron cover of my maganzine for media studies i have chosen afro caribean as the ethnic group and hopefully il be done soon
