Friday 27 April 2012


The first thing thing that we did before we started the production of our trailer was to create a storyboard to use as a guideline so that we could build from something and generate better ideas whilst going along. This really helped because we had a basis to go with and then we just had to either improve the ideas or change them.

Storyboard For Trailer

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Audience Feedback

This graph illustrates what was liked about the poster and the results show that everything was at least liked by someone which tells us that nothing needs to be changed as the target audience all like something about the product. The target audience predominately chose the images to be the most liked thing which is good as we put a lot of time in to making sure that we had the perfect pictures to fit in with the horror genre and this was emphasized by the fact that we added the killer and Warren in the poster to show a hero vs villain look which fits in with Claude Levi-Strauss theory. The background was also liked and this was good because we choose to use a background image of the three protagonists entering the location (woods) which fits in with the horror genre.

This graph conveys whether the poster looked Realistic and authentic and gathering from our results we can see that 9 out of 10 people have said yes which again tells us that our poster is good and their doesn’t need to be any changes. The fact that we used Photoshop and In design allowed our poster to be more professional. 

The third graph was based on the question about rating the poster out of 10 and the fact that it ranged from 7, 8, 9 and 10 connotes to us that our products have been done to the best of our ability and that our work was ready to be submitted.

The last question was based on whether our poster fits in with the horror genre and I feel that this was the most important question because if it was answered no we would have to change the poster and start from scratch but the fact that everyone we asked said yes connotes that we done a good job and that our poster fits in with the horror genre so changes had to be made.

Friday 27 January 2012

Reflection On Filming

Reflection on filming
How did you work together as a group?
I think that being in a group is much better than working individually because you can allocate different tasks to each other so that it could be done to the best of our ability. We all excel in different areas so we decided that Warren was in charge of directing and editing because he does a lot of camera work involved with his music and he is familiar with Editing. Robert was in charge of the mise-en-scene and designing the magazine and front cover because he is very good at using the software's like Photoshop. I was allocated the aspect of the sound and dialogue foe example whether we should use diegetic sounds most in our trailer. I was responsible for making sure we had enough people in our trailer to make it more realistic. The other students played roles such as campers and people that were walking through the woods. Even though we all had our own tasks all of three of us contributed to each other’s work as it is a team effort and we need to make sure everything is perfect. The fact that I am working with two people that I enjoy working with helps a lot because it makes it easier to work as a group and make the trailer successful.

What were you responsible for doing?
I was in charge of finding the appropriate music and dialogue that would fit in with our trailer and horror genre because it makes it realistic. This enabled me to produce a script that would be used in our trailer and after around three or four sketches we went with the best one. My other task involved me getting and organizing people to act in our trailer as it adds authenticity to the genre, I also helped put the actors in the correct positions for filming and I generated ideas as we went along for example for the last shot we were going to have warren just running to the car I thought it would be best if he struggled with the keys and the camera got closer to him. Here are a few lines from the script.
Boss: Yes Luxemburg, there is an activity happening there for 3 days next week, I want you to get ready your flight leaves in two days.
Warren: Alright then sir, come on you two it will be fun

What locations did you choose and why?
The locations that we chose came from questionnaires that we conducted showing us that the woods would make the most daunting location. We therefore chose the majority of our trailer to be filmed in the woods but we needed to have a variety of locations so we used our school (work place) and the road. This definitely made the trailer more authentic as you cannot have movies that are filmed in one location because it takes away the authenticity. We filmed in about three locations near our school using as many resources available to use to make it more authentic. We went to the woods near our school for the majority of the filming but we had scenes from school and a parking space where our car scene took place.

What props did you use in your trailer?

We used a large knife as the killer’s weapon because it is a very typical murder weapons also it is very phallic. We used fake blood to create a more authentic look to the killer and victims linking to this we used gloves for the killer at times to hide his identity in the trailer because we did not give away his identity for the whole trailer but in the film you would find out who the killer was. We used photos of us for the trailer to illustrate we were the killer’s targets hence our slogan ‘Unfinished Business’ because the killer wants to seek revenge. We attempted to create a fire in the woods to give authenticity that we were at camp, this was difficult as we had to use paper because the wood was wet but we managed to create a little fire. We used a car to make it look more like we were older men from work given this assignment. This added authenticity to the film because we are supposed to be workers and driving a car and wearing suits makes us look like business men.

How did you create a realistic atmosphere?
The woods definitely played a major part in creating a realistic atmosphere because it was isolated and made it look like something would go wrong. The props and people used in our trailer were perfect as for example the blood emphasizes the horror genre. We also make the bushes and trees rustle to create the atmosphere with a little bit of ambient sound. The scene when Robert is walking alone you hear the bushes rustle and Robert looking scared as if someone is there this creates a realistic atmosphere as you hear the noises and it makes the audience believe something is going to happen.

Were there any difficulties you faced whilst filming? (People walking into your shots?)
Filming was not that bad but as the woods we used is a place for the general public to walk their dogs so we had to stop filming sometimes as they walked in to our shots. Overall it was Fun and we put a lot of our own time in to making sure the trailer will be perfect. There were other difficulties we faced such as the natural light because it was so bright and we wanted our trailer to be dark to fit in more with the horror genre but filming in dark would have resulted in the trailer not being clear.

Monday 23 January 2012


Media project

Warren, Muaadh and Robert are called to the boss’s office; they look worried as they think they are going to get told off.

Robert: You wanted to see us?

Boss: yes, take a seat

(They sit down nervously knowing that something is wrong, they knew that familiar look on the bosses face).

Boss: I have noticed that you three have not been working as a team recently and it is really affecting the morale of the employees. I have decided to send you to Luxemburg for a camping trip to build up you team work skills.

(They look at each other in a very confused manner)

Muaadh: Luxemburg

Boss: Yes Luxemburg, there is activities happening there for 3 days next week, I want you to get ready your flight departs in two days.

Warren: Alright then sir, come on you two it will be fun

(The three employees leave the office and go home to get ready)

(They meet up on the day and catch the flight from Heathrow to Luxemburg; they decided to hire a car when they get there).

(Robert pays for a car and they drive to the location)

Warren: ay this is going to be live you know

Muaadh: trust me man this is going to be good

(Robert gets his bags out of the boot and they make their way to camping site).

(They meet up with a couple friends that they remember from their last exercise)

Allin: wow it’s been a long time man, how come you lot are here

Muaadh: how you been man, we’ve been sent by our boss

(Robert decides to take a walk on his own to see the camping site properly)

(After half an hour he is nowhere to be seen)

Liban: Were Robert He’s been gone for long

Muaadh: where is that guy man he just disappeared?

Warren: don’t worry he will be here man, you know Robert

(Robert is walking around the camping site but he feels as if he is being followed. Robert screams as he gets dragged from behind).

(Hamza starts running fast and then more weird things start to happen).

Allin: Oh my god, what is that?

Mahad: what?

(Mahad comes closer and they see a dead body just lying on the floor. The rest of the group see the look in their faces and noticing that something is wrong they all start to run).

Allin: (loud scream) with blood on his face.

(Daniel gets grabbed by the killer with bloody hands).

Muaadh: we need to look for Robert, it’s been ages

Warren: Alright then, well separate and you can take the torch

(Muaadh starts searching for Robert but he too feels as if he is being followed, he catches a glimpse of a person watching him and begins to run).

Muaadh: (loud scream) swinging on rope.

(Warren is also searching for Robert but he keeps hearing noises, there is no sight of Muaadh or the others, and warren the hardman looks worried).

(Something starts rustling in the bushes and warren decides that he needs to get out of here).

(He runs to the car but it seems wherever he goes there is no escape).

This is the first draft for our script and even though it is not the final piece we will use this as a guideline and improve on it during the project.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

BBC Trip

My teacher was very kind to organise a trip to the BBC for me and my fellow Media students, this was a brilliant opportunity to gain some insight in to the media world and what role the BBC play in influencing our society. The two people in the picture with me are my classmates and as we are all working on our coursework project together it was vital that we all attended and gained something from it so that we could implement certain things in our trailer.
I feel that I learned quite a lot from this trip as we were given a guided tour through the various studios and the guide spoke to us about why the BBC is different from other broadcasters like ITV because of it being funding through TV licence while ITV is commercially funded. This enables the BBC to only show the truth because they do not have to hide certain things that will damage a company’s reputation.