Wednesday 8 February 2012

Audience Feedback

This graph illustrates what was liked about the poster and the results show that everything was at least liked by someone which tells us that nothing needs to be changed as the target audience all like something about the product. The target audience predominately chose the images to be the most liked thing which is good as we put a lot of time in to making sure that we had the perfect pictures to fit in with the horror genre and this was emphasized by the fact that we added the killer and Warren in the poster to show a hero vs villain look which fits in with Claude Levi-Strauss theory. The background was also liked and this was good because we choose to use a background image of the three protagonists entering the location (woods) which fits in with the horror genre.

This graph conveys whether the poster looked Realistic and authentic and gathering from our results we can see that 9 out of 10 people have said yes which again tells us that our poster is good and their doesn’t need to be any changes. The fact that we used Photoshop and In design allowed our poster to be more professional. 

The third graph was based on the question about rating the poster out of 10 and the fact that it ranged from 7, 8, 9 and 10 connotes to us that our products have been done to the best of our ability and that our work was ready to be submitted.

The last question was based on whether our poster fits in with the horror genre and I feel that this was the most important question because if it was answered no we would have to change the poster and start from scratch but the fact that everyone we asked said yes connotes that we done a good job and that our poster fits in with the horror genre so changes had to be made.